It was our first loss of the season. During the whole half of the game, we were in the lead, and the game was in our control. But it was during the 4th quarter that our game was getting intense. It was back to back, and the scores were always close. The score was 26-24, Computech still in the lead. Our only goal was to keep the ball in our hands, and to prevent them from scoring. But something happen, and it just wasn't good enough. They scored, so it was a tie, 26-26. This led to over time! It was my first overtime ever playing for a team. I felt the pressure, and I could tell the rest of my teammates did too. We had only 3 minutes to defend, steal, score, and win. The crowd was cheering from the sidelines. I felt like I was in a real NBA game!!!
We all did our parts in the team. But I guess we all panicked and rushed it at the second. We all tried our best, and I think we played a very great game. At the end, Tenaya won by 4 points. I'm still proud of my team for not giving up. I love my team regardless!!!
Yay! It is finally Friday! I'm excited about the weekend again. This weekend I plan on doing homework, relaxing, and practicing for basketball. I really don't know what else to do. It has been a very long week and I just want to take a break from reading, writing, and learning. We had a lot things going on this week, like new projects, writing samples, tests, etc. It can be very stressful stressful sometimes. This week we had a writing sample about a poem. It was response to literature, and we had to read a poem called "The Highwayman". I think that was a really interesting poem, but it was the type that you had to read more than twice to understand it.
I think I did really good on that, so hopefully I get the grade I think I deserve. It wasn't hard, the only difficult part was analyzing the poem and making sure your reader understand. I hope everybody has a great weekend!
It is another 3-day weekend. The next weekend after this weekend will also be another 3-day weekend. This is why I love February because there are a lot of days that we have off from school. I don't have anything special planned for this weekend. Lots of homework was assigned, which really sucks because I hate doing homework over the weekend. It sucks how football season is over. My Sundays are going to be boring for a while now. I'm sad that my team (49ers) lost, but we will go for the 6th Super Bowl win next year. I think I'm going to the snow again this weekend.
When I went to the snow last weekend, it was so cold, but it was a fun and new experience for me. It was my first time seeing and touching snow. Now I can finally saw I have seen snow. While I was there, I learned how to snowboard. It wasn't easy at all. After many times of trying, I just gave up because the snow was really cold to fall on and the board was too heavy for me. But it's okay, it was my first time ever. It was fun though, my family and I fell many times, which left our bodies very sore the next day. Hopefully I learn to be better at snowboarding. Overall, it was cool to try this hobby/sport.