Bacteria, plant, and animal cells. How do they differ, and what do they have in common? Well, to start off, plant cells are found in plants, and animal cells are found in animals. They all have some similar structures such as the nucleus, DNA, ribosome, etc. But animal cells do not have chloroplasts or cell walls like plant cells do. Plant and animal cells also recieve food in different ways. Organisms with animal cells consume other organisms to get energy, but organisms with plant cells make their own food to get energy. Bacteria are single-celled organisms. They are very different from animal and plant cells. It just has a cell wall, a nucleus, and thread-like DNA. When they are in the process of making new cells, it just splits into two daughter cells. But with animal cells and plant cells, they go through many different phases such as interphase and mitosis.
Anthony Sahakian
11/16/2012 03:35:36 am

I think that you make it very clear of what you're writing about.


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