I honestly don't know why the sky is blue. My lucky guess would be that it has something to do with the sun and oceans, or it has something to do with outer space. I have not learned about why the sky is blue. If I have, I think I would have remembered because it it something useful to remember. I think the sky's blueness has something to do with the sun because it is like a color thing. I think something reflects off of it which is why it is blue. I'm pretty sure it has something to deal with outer space. I have seen in movies that the higher you go up in the atmosphere, the darker it gets. So it's light blue now, but when you go higher, it gets darker.
        I really don't know why the sky is blue. But hopefully, I get to learn in class all about it. I think it would be interesting to learn about it because I dislike not knowing about these things. Some people are saying God painted the sky blue. I think that is true in a religious perspective. 
Plant fossils can be found in Antarctica due to many reasons. I have learned in my science class that the land that we live on today wasn't always how it is now. The continents were once in one big form, and that can explain why plant fossils are found in Antarctica. It is one of the coldest places on earth and no one or anything can survive there for long. So why would there be plants there? Well, when it was once attached to all the other continents, it was probably located in an area where the climate was warm and tropical. When the Pangea broke apart, it became it's own area. 
        Another reason why plant fossils could be found there is because Antartica use to be a land area where animals and plants use to live on due to all the sources that were avaliable. Plants could only survive when there is a lot of sun in the area, and also with water. So, Antartica had to have all those sources in order to have organisms living there. 
For the zoo project, we are in a group of 4, and each person has a specific thing to research about. The four parts to this project are adaptation, reproduction, classification, and human interaction. I got the role  to research about the classification and general facts of our animal, the Fiji Banded Iguana. The classification and general facts are pretty simple. The classification can be described as what species it belongs to, or what its scientific name is. Those are just examples of the classification. I found most information on wikipedia because simple information like that can be found on there. 
      The general facts of the animal is basically the simple facts about it. Some things I had to research about was its diet, description, etc. I really enjoyed this part because it was simple and easy for me to understand. I also think it is the most important part because it's the area that really describes the animal. Without this type of information, the Fiji Banded iguana wouldn't really be known. 
I think the greatest scientific discovery in history, or in this case, discoveries, has to be finding fossils. Some people may think that's not the most interesting thing ever found, but I do. Fossils have changed the way people thought about Earth in many ways. From fossils, we are able to see how Earth was like billions of years ago. It's amazing how you can learn so much just from investigating a piece of old rock. To think that there were huge extinct animals roaming around Earth is also a crazy thought. Who knew there would be any of this special, unique animals around Earth if it wasn't for fossils? 
        Finding fossils is an on-going process. I'm pretty sure there are millions of fossils all over the world waiting to be discovered. The most commonly found fossils are of dinosaurs. Thanks to fossils, scientists can learn about all the different animals that use to live on Earth. Another thing that is also preserved from fossils are plants. These plants are usually extinct also and they show what those animals ate. There are many other things that have been found from fossils, such as insects, footprints, rocks, etc. Finding these fossils keep our mind curious which is a good thing.