Believe it or not, light takes a certain pathway when it reaches your eye. I mean, you can see it since you have your eyes open, but it's more complex than that. When light reaches your eyes, it has to start with the cornea first. The cornea is the outer layer of your eye. Then the light travels into the other parts of your eye. Some of the parts you may know as the pupil, lens, blind spot, nerve system, etc. Once it passes the cornea, it gets more complex.
In order for you to see something, your brain has to interpret it by receiving the signal from the light. That's why the light travels into your eye through many parts. Once it passes the cornea, it then goes to your lens. After that, it goes to your pupil, then into your nerve system. Of course, your nerve system is connected to your brain. So that's when your brain is able to receive the signal and then interpret. It's not as simple as it sounds, but it happens very quickly. You don't really feel the light going through all this process.
The whole purpose of our zoo trip was to see our animal in person. Fortunately we did get to see our animal, the Fiji Banded Iguana. I was very excited to see that it was there. It wasn't difficult finding it either. Well, anyway, I knew that that was our animal because I remember its appearance from images I have seen. It looked exactly like how it looks in pictures. During my research, I learned that my animal, the Fiji Banded Iguana, has a very long tail and a short crest of scales on its spine. That's exactly what I also saw in person. I also saw that it was living in a swamp type of environment. The iguana that I seen had blues stripes on its body. I knew that it was a male because I learned that only the male iguanas have blue stripes.
I'm glad I got to see my animal at the zoo because I would have been disappointed if I didn't. It's like learning about someone famous, or something famous, but in this case, it's just a simple animal I never learned about. It was like meeting a person. Nothing really surprised me when I saw my animal, nor did it change the research I did. It was exactly the animal I learned about. The reality was better in some ways than the research. The research helped me learn and find out more about my animal, but the reality gave me a good look of my animal.I definitely learned a lot from this project. The Fiji Banded Iguana is an awesome animal!
Do you know how a rainbow forms? Well, it is not that complicated to understand once you know a lot about light and reflection. Rainbows form because the object looks to be a certain color because it is only reflecting that wavelength of light, all the other wavelengths are being absorbed. Therefore, the light is reflecting from the ocean. That is why most rainbows are over oceans. It is reflected off the sun, which is why we are able to see the many colors of the rainbow.
It is the colors that we see because the all the wavelengths are the same. In other words, they are made when light is refracted through millions of droplets in the air. White light is made up of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet light, so when it is split into components, it is seen as a rainbow.
Last week, we had to blog about our knowledge about the sky's blue appearance. This time, we have to give an exact answer. So here it is: the sky is blue because the blue wavelength from the sun is being scattered by the atmosphere more than any other color wavelength. This means that the blue wavelength is the only one that appears the most. So it doesn't mean it's the only color.
The sky is blue because it is the only color that is visible to us. It is combined with other lights in white light, such as red, orange, yellow, green, violet, and indigo. Blue is the only color that is able to be scattered the most and visible to our eyes. The further you go into space, the sky does not remain blue. Imagine if the sky was the color of all the different colors in the rainbow!