Wow. I can't believe I am already talking about my favorite moments that I have had at Computech as a 7th grader. It feels like this year barely started a couple weeks ago and now it's sad to see it come to an end. I'm glad that I will be back here in 8th grade though! Well anyway, I've had some really fun and dull moments here. Some were good, and some were bad. My most favorite moment would have to be meeting all the people I am now friends with. Most of my friends are fun and they're cool to hang out with. I got to know a lot of people, and I enjoyed it. But some of the people I met and got to know just turned out to be fake. Besides the fakes, I'm thankful for meeting all these wonderful people! Computech would've not be fun without them. 
        Another moment I have cherished in my 7th grade year is being on the basketball team. Wow, that was absolutely fun and I really enjoyed it. I really learned a lot too. It was a good first experience being on a team. Now I am ready to be on the Varsity team next year. I'm prepared!! One of my favorite moments would be getting straight A's all 3 quarters! That's definitely what I am proud of. 

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