Last week's math topic was about two methods to convert a fraction to a decimal. This week's blog is about how to convert a decimal to a fraction. There are two simple ways to do it. The first way is to find out how many numbers are placed after the decimal, and what place it is in. For example, .12 would be 12/100 since the two is in the hundredths place. Another way you can convert a decimal to a fraction is by dividing it by the place number it is in.
         The method I prefer the most is just finding out what place number is in. I think it is very simple, and easy to use. I have been using that method ever since I learned it in elementary school. It is also not that confusing either once you understand your decimal places. It is an effcient way to convert the
There are many ways to convert a fraction to a decimal, but there are two easy ways that I prefer. The first way to convert a fraction to a decimal is by dividing. Everybody knows that a fraction has an upper number (numerator) and a bottom number (denominator). You would get a decimal by dividing numerator by the denominator. That's what a fraction really is anyway. The line between the two numbers actually stands for division. 
         For example, in the fraction 22/33, the top number will be divided by the bottom number. Another way you make a fraction into a decimal is making it into a percent first, then into a decimal. I prefer the dividing method because I'm very use to it and I have been using it ever since elementary. It is really easy and simple to remember. 
I think using percentages to plan the purchase of food in a ratio is better than using ratios. They are almost the same things, but I think using percentages would be easier. My reason for that is because it is easy to read. Everybody knows that any percent is out of 100, so basically, its like any portion out of a 100. That's pretty easy to realize and read. For example, if someone said they would like to order 40% of the platter of fried rice, they basically would basically almost half of it. 
          Another reason why it would be right to use percentages to plan the purchase of food because it isn't difficult math. Who would want to go through a lot of stress just to plan for food? Percentages are divided into correct parts, and I think it would be perfect for food because there is a lot of seperating and sectioning.